When you take a long term loan, usually mortgages or property loans, you need to know exactly how much you will be paying monthly and annually and the interest amount at that particular time. Most lenders will not provide you with those details and you have to figure it out for yourself. We don’t want you to suffer through endless calculations every other day; working to repay a loan is hard enough on its own. Apart from providing you with fast loans whenever you need them, we also enable you to track your payments and the remaining balance together with interest.

Our loan payment calculator was developed with the intention of giving you peace of mind and the ability to plan ahead so that you don’t miss out on any payment as you will be aware in advance of how interest is calculated and the best way to make the amount as little as possible. The payment calculator is a do it yourself kind of thing. You basically estimate your balances by entering the principal, the interest rate(s) and the time period you are supposed to repay the loan within. Within a few seconds, you get what can be called a credit analysis complete with tables and graphs.

We however stress on the need to not rely wholly on the use of our calculator or take it to be credible financial advice. Other sources of credit records, like the Lending institution you took the loan from can be used to compliment our loan payment calculator. We believe in the credibility of our sources of information but we cannot guarantee that they are 100% true, and neither should you. We take no responsibility whatsoever for wrong financial decisions by any of our clients after reading this disclaimer.